Wednesday 1 June 2011

why "Science Professor Mum"?

I spent quite a while thinking about the name for this blog. As I intend to use it to talk about issues relating to academia, science, women in academia and women in science, and mixing parenting with academia I wanted something that reflected all those things. So, Mum covers the parenting and female part. Professor is what I am, and it makes sense to use science to better define this so it might be more relevant to people. The combination is inspired by the brilliant "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" book by Lynne Truss which is recommended reading for all my PhD students when they start writing. My blog title could read "Science, Professor, Mum", "Science Professor, Mum" or less legitimately since I can make no claim to expertise, only to experience, "Science, Professor Mum"!

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