I have just returned from an invitation only meeting to comment on the 5 year strategy of a public funded research organisation in my area. I did the usual headcount at the meeting and counted roughly 6/26 females in the total attendees. However, the directorate of this organisation (comprising some 10 of the people in the room) is entirely male. This means that they had a dramatic difference between the gender balance of the directorate and those they invited to comment on the strategy and suggest changes. This is welcome, as the balance of the invitees is far closer to the gender balance at mid-senior levels as a whole, and I know that the organisation is aware of the issue they have with the directorate. However, at dinner after the meeting, it was quite clear that they would like to co-opt me on to the directorate. PArt of me would welcome this as I believe I can contribute to the science leadership, the rest is thinking, how am I supposed to fit that in???
This is just my most recent example of such a request and echoed by an excellent post on the subject by FSP today.
I have to remind myself that if the invite comes, just because I am a token woman, doesn't mean I have to behave like one, or to accept being treated like one. If I do get asked, and I can fit it in, I will serve the committee to the best of my abilities, just as I would if I were a man.
PS. Happy New Year!